11 Best Garden Trends 2026 For The New Season

Toplam Kelime Sayısı: 978

Toplam Resim Sayısı: 5

Which trends await us in the garden in 2021? From bee-friendly gardens to the Smart Garden, we’ve summarized the most important and beautiful garden trends 2021 for you.new season garden decor trends 2026

The garden trends of the new season pick up on many current topics: the bee dying, the weather extremes of the past summer or the Smart Garden. In addition, one also remembers proven traditions and is inspired by classic garden trends, for example from neighboring England. Or you build your garden to your own wellness oasis. Here you can find the most important garden trends in 2021 at a glance.

Bee-friendly garden

A very clear garden trend, which is emerging for the new season, is the bee-friendly garden. More and more gardeners and hobby gardeners are responding to the alarming reports of bee mortality and general insect exacerbation and want to be active themselves. This is possible with bee-friendly plants, a large biodiversity and of course a complete renunciation of the use of chemistry. Who additionally insects hotels establishes or insect-friendly nesting boxes, increased conservation in his garden enormous and not only does the bees something good.

Raised bed and herbal spiral

The enthusiasm for raised beds is unbroken again in 2021. The garden trend will be extended this year by so-called herb spirals. The advantages are obvious: they are also suitable for small gardens and, like raised beds, allow for a gentle working posture that does not put too much strain on the back and knees. In addition, you can perfectly accommodate herbs with different site conditions in a herbal spiral : Depending on the planting location, other light conditions prevail and even different substrates can be applied in one and the same herbal spiral.new season garden decor trends 2026

iStock / emer1940

Herbal spirals are becoming increasingly popular in the garden, setting trends this year

Fences as an eye-catcher

There is hardly a garden owner around a fence : he marks the boundary of the property and protects against strange eyes. Current garden trends, however, want to free the fence from its purely functional existence and turn it into a colorful eye-catcher. “Flourishing fences” is the motto for this year’s season! When planting, of course, many climbing plants come into play, such as clematis, wisteria or climbing roses. The roses in particular are experiencing a veritable comeback in the garden in 2021.

Trendy water garden

Whether garden pond, fish pond or mini-pond, stream, fountain or water feature: The water garden is in full swing in 2021. We humans benefit from the pleasant tranquility that emanates from water as well as the splendid lapping. Animals such as birds, insects or hedgehogs will also be grateful for the new water gardens and would rather miss a visit in the future.new season garden decor trends 2026

Oasis pond construction

Many current garden trends revolve around the water garden

Smart Garden

The technology will definitely enter the garden in the coming season and will take a lot of work off our hands. Mowing and watering are controlled in Smart Garden at the push of a button and via apps. Especially nice: robotic lawnmowers have already become so established that there are now great models that can be individually designed with weather-resistant films.

New garden trends from UK

Once a year, London is in garden fever. Well-known garden designers present their latest creations on the famous Chelsea Flower Show. In our picture gallery you will find a selection of the most beautiful garden trends.new season garden decor trends 2026

Plant ideas for dry summers

The past, much too dry and too hot summer has shown that climate change is bringing more and more extreme weather conditions to light. This is also noticeable in the garden trends. In the new season, designers are counting on drought-friendly planting. Right at the forefront: the thistle, which was recently named the “perennial of the year 2021” and is characterized not only by its particular robustness, but also by its remarkable diversity. Our recommendations: The ball thistle and the noble thistle, also called man litter.

Indoor garden trends

The new garden trends for the house speak a clear language: It is green! Foliage plants and pure green plants dominate the picture and transform every living room into an urban jungle. At the top of the popularity scale are large-leaved species such as rubber tree or window leaf. Another aspect that is gaining in importance in the new season is that houseplants should not only look good, but also improve the indoor climate.

Vertical gardeningnew season garden decor trends 2026

 iStock / martin wimmer

Vertical kitchen garden: In this garden trend, above all, creativity is required

Vertical gardening has long been familiar to city gardeners among us. Inspired by urban gardening, however, this garden trend is finding more and more followers, so that even garden owners in the countryside are becoming increasingly creative in the use of land. Vertical gardens, wall pictures of plants, planted pallets and Co. clearly show in the new season: There is a suitable place for plants everywhere!

Wellness in the garden

Pure relaxation offers this new garden trend. In 2021, swimming ponds, whirlpools or swimming pools adorn more and more gardens. The trend is towards healthy wellness in your own garden. Fortunately, this is also reflected in a wide range, which offers models for (almost) every wallet and really every garden size. Especially handy are mobile pools and inflatable hot tubs, which are very comfortable to set up, but can also be stowed away in a jiffy. Garden showers are also part of this garden trend. In the new season, the focus will be on solar showers that have an integrated water reservoir that uses solar energy to provide a great outdoor shower experience – without electricity or gas.

Superfood from own cultivation

The culinary garden trend 2021? Very clear: berries. Especially popular this year are the delicious blueberries, from which several new varieties come on the market. Vaccinium corymbosum ‘Lucky Berry’, for example, yields from July to October, providing us with healthy superfood for months.

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