DIY wall decor trends 2026 – 11 creative and simple ideas

Toplam Kelime Sayısı: 2008

Toplam Resim Sayısı: 13

DIY wall decor trends 2026People have been decorating walls since ancient times. Previously, rock paintings were used for this, after which amulets and various decorations were hung on the walls. Today, there are several dozen variations of the beautiful wall decoration in a house or apartment.

You can either buy decorative elements or make them yourself. To do this, you will need improvised tools or tools and materials that can be found in any needlework store. As a result, you get a design that will make your interior truly unique. Today we will talk about how to decorate the wall in the room with our own hands.

Wall decor – where to start?DIY wall decor trends 2026

To invent and create a diy wall decor is as simple as possible. There are many techniques, materials and products that can turn a boring and blank wall into a real work of art. This approach to interior decoration has many advantages:

  1. You get a unique room design. Even if you repeat the technique seen in the picture, you will add a little personality to the decor. So there are no two identical results.
  2. Saving the family budget. Walling can be a very expensive process. However, if you take up the creation of decorative elements, the result will be more budgetary.
  3. Flight of fancy. Creativity is a great opportunity to relax a bit and spend time with your family. You can attract loved ones – a joint pastime will give a lot of pleasant emotions.

Where to start decorating the walls of the apartment with your own hands?

  1. Choose the place on the wall that you want to decorate. Remember that it will become the accent of the room. So in the bedroom it is better to decorate the wall above the bed, and in the living room – above the sofa.
  2. Choose a technique and material. Everything will depend on your skills and desire to try something new. If you are afraid to experiment or do not have time for complex work, you can decorate with ready-made objects (which ones – we will tell later).
  3. Buy everything you need so that you don’t get distracted by missing parts or tools in the process. Think about how the decor will be fixed to the wall – glue, nails, stationery buttons, screws, etc.

What materials are used for wall decor?

Today there are many options for decorating a wall. Some of them can be implemented using materials that are sold in any store. Some require more thorough preparation. Most often, as a material for decor are used:

PaperDIY wall decor trends 2026

DIY paper wall decor includes many different compositions. The basis can be used: old newspapers, the original corrugation made of paper, foil, sheets with the effect of yellowed paper (can be done by dipping a white sheet in tea or coffee). In addition, bright napkins, magazines, postcards are also used today.

What can be created with paper?

  1. Garland . To create it, you will need threads (fishing line, twine or ordinary thread), pencil, paper, scissors. For fixing, you can use hot glue or a stapler. Just cut out the necessary shapes from paper according to the template and put them together on a thread. After hang the garland on the wall.
  2. Volumetric wall decor . You can create beautiful flowers, butterflies and other compositions from paper. This decor will look original and non-standard. Especially if you make several shapes of different sizes and place them with a collage.

TablewareDIY wall decor trends 2026

A beautiful set or dishes brought from travel should not gather dust somewhere in cabinets. That is why do-it-yourself wall decor often includes ceramic and glass jewelry. Most often, this technique is used in the kitchen. However, today you can decorate dishes from plates in the living room or hallway .

Multi-colored ceramic products create an original composition and perfectly complement the interior in the style of Provence , country.

MirrorsDIY wall decor trends 2026

They allow you to visually increase the area of the room and even in the darkest spaces add light and a sense of openness. Today, wall mirrors are sold not only in standard forms. You can also find original products or order an individual model in the workshop.

You can hang one large mirror, you can – several different mirrors of different shapes and sizes.

Round, rectangular, oval, in the form of a drop, heart or asterisk – a beautiful mirror in the frame will be a great addition to the interior.

Fabric and ThreadDIY wall decor trends 2026

In each house you can find several multi-colored threads and various pieces of fabric left over from old clothes, tablecloths, and bedding. The most common techniques for decorating a wall in a room with your own hands are:

  1. String art . To create such panels you will need a board that will serve as the basis, a lot of small nails, threads, scissors, a hammer, a pencil. Draw on the base with a pencil. Come up with it yourself or search the Internet. Contour the pattern with nails. Make sure they enter the board at the same depth. Between the nails, wind the threads, creating an original pattern.
  2. Macrame . If you like to knit, try decorating the wall with macrame. However, this technique is suitable for those who have never picked up knitting needles. Find a pattern for creating a panel you like, stock up with threads (silk, woolen) and a base, which a branch or stick may well be.
  3. Panel made of fabric . You have several pieces of beautiful fabric, you can place them in a frame and hang them on the wall. Use lace, buttons or multi-colored beads for decoration.

PaintsDIY wall decor trends 2026

This is a more complex option, which is suitable for all lovers to experiment with room decor. Ideas for painting walls can be found on the Internet. Think in advance of the style and the pattern or drawing itself. Prepare a stencil so that you can quickly draw a suitable image on it.

As a stencil, you can use, for example, adhesive tape. A more professional option is ready-made stencils on self-adhesive paper.

Just create the contours of the image and paint. After it dries, remove the adhesive tape or self-adhesive, and apply varnish (glossy or matte).

Tip: A simpler way to create art on the wall are special stickers. They come in a variety of sizes and are pretty easy to peck. The main thing is to carefully level the surface and carefully put the sticker on the wall.

Photos and paintingsDIY wall decor trends 2026

When decorating walls with their own hands, beautiful paintings and posters are often used. You can print or draw them yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones at the store. The main thing is to choose the style of posters and paintings based on the design of the room. A special addition to this decoration are beautiful frames. They can be carved, coated with gold or silver paint, with decorative inserts.

Decorating a wall with photographs is one of the most common ways of decorating surfaces. This will not only create a unique room design. Photos, preserving the positive moments from the past, will cause a lot of warm and pleasant memories every time you look at them.

Designing a wall with photographs can be either with a single photo (large size) or creating a huge collage of several photos. Moreover, it is not necessary to insert photos into frames. You can print them and fasten them on a thread by hanging a garland on the wall.

Wall decor options in different rooms

In general, we have listed quite universal ways of decorating walls in an apartment. However, there are requirements and recommendations for each individual room. Let’s see what decorative elements can be used for a bedroom, kitchen, living room or nursery.

How to decorate the walls in the kitchen?DIY wall decor trends 2026

The spacious kitchen is the perfect place for a family dinner. And during cooking we spend a lot of time in this room. Therefore, wall decor is an important aspect of creating the interior of the kitchen .

The most universal option is beautiful paintings with landscapes or still lifes (for example, delicious dishes, drinks or fruits).

You can also create a beautiful panel yourself using improvised materials (branches, dried flowers and leaves, dried fruits, coffee beans, pasta, cereals).

And of course, in the kitchen, wall decoration with various ceramics and other utensils will be most relevant. Trays, plates, mugs – all this will give a warm and cozy atmosphere and enliven the interior of the space.

Important! In the process of cooking in the kitchen, the temperature often rises or humidity increases. Therefore, it is important that wall decoration materials withstand such tests.

Bedroom Wall Decor OptionsDIY wall decor trends 2026

The bedroom is a unique room where we relax, relax and gain strength for further achievements. It is important to consider that this room is primarily aimed at relaxation. Here, a calm and peaceful atmosphere should reign, created by pastel colors (beige, milky, peach, blue, pink, mint), as well as white.

Wall decor in the bedroom consists mainly of beautiful paintings, posters, frames with photos. All this should add coziness and warm atmosphere.

Patchwork and various collages also look great on the wall.

Wall decoration in the living roomDIY wall decor trends 2026

The living room is the heart of any home. It is here that we meet guests and gather together as a big friendly family for gatherings, board games or watching our favorite movie. Therefore, in this room, decor has an important role.

In no case should you leave the walls in the living room completely empty. You can decorate them with any materials and techniques at your discretion. First of all, it is important to build on the style of the interior. For classics, it can be wall moldings, fabric upholstery, mirrors in the frame.

For a living room in a modern style, wall decor implies experiments with materials, textures. You can combine several different styles, use combinations and non-standard variations of crafts.

Embroidery on the walls is ideal for room decor in Provence style. You can also decorate the living room with beautiful plates brought from travel, wooden or antique items.

Wall decor in the nurseryDIY wall decor trends 2026

In the children’s room as a wall decor, bright and colorful paintings depicting animals will look great. It is important here to build on the interests and hobbies of your child. Pictures with planets will be the best solution for a child who is fond of space.

If your child has a favorite cartoon character, you can safely use it for inspiration when decorating a room.

True, it should be remembered that the decoration of the walls of the nursery for preschoolers, primary school children and adolescents will differ significantly. The latter tend more towards minimalism and conciseness.

Important! All materials for decorating the walls in the children’s room should be as safe as possible and securely attached to the wall.

How to choose a method of wall decoration?DIY wall decor trends 2026

Of course, when choosing materials for decorating the walls in a room, it is first and foremost important to build on your personal preferences and wishes. But you should also pay attention to:

  1. Room style . Each interior design requires careful planning and thought out of decorative elements. So, for example, a flower panel will be completely irrelevant for a high-tech style, and paper garlands will be in a room in a loft style . The best option is graphics. The main thing is to choose a beautiful and suitable pattern.
  2. Security . It is especially important that the materials do not harm your health. So, for coloring it is worth taking a water-based paint.
  3. Resistance to moisture , high temperatures. This is especially true for wall decoration in the kitchen or in the bathroom. You should choose materials that would not be afraid of contact with moisture.

DIY wall decor is a real fantasy flight, which will allow you to get a unique interior that reflects your character and mood. Even from the most simple and improvised materials, you can create real masterpieces. A bit of creativity and time – and your walls will become a bright highlight of the room.

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