New Garden Trend 2026: This Year’s Chelsea Flower Show proves it
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Toplam Resim Sayısı: 16
The annual flower show in Chelsea has impressed us again this year with beautiful garden designs and arrangements and shows us what’s currently in terms of planting. Among the highlights are undoubtedly the upbeat flower colors and the many greens. But that’s not all the show had to offer. We’ll list the best ideas and every garden trend 2021.
1. Lots of green as a garden trend in 2021
Green can be found in every garden, you may think now. But at the Chelsea Flower Show in 2021, and more specifically in Andy Sturgeon’s garden, green was the main color. Many lush plants and arrangements created a natural and inviting look. This was compiled with the help of deciduous trees. All around were white flowers and specimens with yellowish leaves, such as parsley, spurge ( Euphorbia ) and real meadowsweet (( Filipendula ulmaria ), which not only created subtle contrasts, but also a certain texture.) An English garden is probably the first thing you comes to mind at the sight of such a design.
Who wants to imitate this mood in his garden, can also opt for the hornbeam, the elder or the field maple and this with the marsh herb ( Euphorbia palustris ), the White California poppy ( Eschscholzia californica, Ivory Castle ), the garden perl grass ( Melica altissima, Alba ‘ ) and the perennial Mathiasella bupleuroides. The latter impresses with interesting flowers in green color. This color theme is an important garden trend in 2021 and definitely worth considering. Since not only sunny and partially shaded areas are to be planted, you can also use the medicinal angelica ( Angelica archangelica), which is also known as “Angelika” and can be very well with the Dickmännchen (also “Shadowgreen”, Pachysandra ) and the Rodgersia together.
2. Eco-friendly garden ideas
Ecological and sustainable are the keywords of this year’s Chelsea Flower Show. This refers to both the first steps of preparing for the show, as well as decorative details. For example, excavators with electric motors were used for landscaping. To decorate the gardens, pots and tubs made of sustainable and natural materials were used, and plastics were largely dispensed with. This is of course also recommended for your own garden and landscaping and is therefore recommended for reproduction.
Another garden trend 2021 in this sense is the re-and upcycling, so the recycling of old things. An interesting ecologically beneficial system was presented at the show, which you can look for as well. More specifically, it is a raised bed system that grows fruit and vegetables. It consists of a reused brick container full of debris that collects rainwater and greywater from the household. If the crop rotation is observed during annual cultivation, a nutrient-rich soil is guaranteed. This system was found in the garden of Jilayne Richards.
3. Do not be afraid of weeds
Gone is the eternal fight against the weeds. Another gardening trend in 2021 is to let the weeds grow freely, as shown on the show. Dandelions (in the garden of Andrew Duff Savills and David Harber), Cuckoo Clove and Clover (in the garden of Laurélie de la Salle) were just some of the examples that even wild plants can create a beautiful atmosphere in the garden. Local (as in the garden of Mark Gregory) but also more exotic weeds are allowed. Are not you curious how your garden would evolve if you just let it grow and not interfere with it unnecessarily? Try it! Mow only a strip in the garden, for example. So you can find out what appears and better estimates at the unmown places,
4. Trees as a garden trend 2021
As in recent years, this is a particular tree in the center. While it was once the birch, sometimes the olive, this year’s Chilean Araucaria ( Araucaria araucana ), as in the gardens of Jonathan Snow and Sarah Eberle, is one of the highlights and undoubtedly a garden trend in 2021. But also the black pine ( Pinus nigra ), which was to be found in the garden of Chris Beardshaw, must be mentioned. However, since the trees are very large, you can choose alternatives instead and design your garden with them. One such alternative is the horse-chestnut ( Aesculus pavia). They are characterized by a multi-stemmed growth with attractive flowers in the form of tubes, which are also ideal if you want to make your garden insect-friendly. The flowers magically attract bees. So if you want to plan your garden according to this year’s trends, do not forget to consider a few trees as well.
5. Garden Trend 2021 for the decorative copper
What has been modern in the interior for a long time, sneaks in at the latest now as a garden trend 2021 in the middle of our beds and plants. This refers to the attractive copper. Helen Elks-Smith does it with her garden and not only uses a copper-coated green roof, but also decorates the garden with a beautiful water feature made of hammered copper. But even in the heavenly garden of David Neale there is an original decoration in the form of a copper hammer again. Since it is not necessarily a cheap material, copper should only be used as an accent. In this way, he is also much better advantage and a beautiful garden is guaranteed.
6. Unformed bushes and shrubs as garden trends
Not only the weeds should let you grow. The shrubs and bushes no longer need to be regularly cut and trimmed (the necessary annual pruning of some plants excluded, of course). While until recently, precisely cut and shaped specimens should decorate the garden, this is no longer the case. Naturalness is the garden trend in 2021. The boxwood gives way to the yew, pine and beech. This could be seen in the gardens of Tom Stuart-Smith and Kate Gould. With the help of these plants one gets a nice texture in the garden and sets the flowers and other plants better in scene.
7. Colors as garden trend 2021
Colors, colors and more colors: that’s how many gardens, including those by Jody Lidgard, who played with the colors of peonies, dahlias and carnations, were so impressive that they created an atmosphere reminiscent of sweets and other sweets. The garden design of Eberle was particularly refined and surprising. Her Garden Trend 2021 is the combination of interesting colors and plant species such as the red-flowered Russian Adder’s Head ( Echium russicum ) in contrast to the sky blue perennial shrub ( Linum perenne ) and the cucumber herb ( Borago officinalis ) with equally blue flowers. But there was also the color pink. It was represented by the Cuckoo’s Clove ( Lychnis flos-cuculi) with their interesting, spider-like flowers.
8. Original privacy screen and room divider
Instead of metal or plastic wood is used as a privacy screen. More specifically, it is interesting walls made of logs. If you opt for this garden trend in 2021, you will create an eye-catcher that is also nature-friendly and natural. This look is probably also due to the fact that such a wall somehow resembles an insect hotel. Above all, open gardens can thus guarantee the necessary privacy without disturbing the open design. The relatively inexpensive privacy screen was spotted in the garden by Paul Hervey-Brookes and is also great for protecting a trendy patio.
9. Green roofs and walls
Planted roofs and walls are another garden trend 2021 set by the Chelsea Flower Show. It does not matter whether the garden is small or large: every free area should be planted and green. A roof planted with thyme, marsh and stonecrops was found amongst others in the garden of Helen Elk-Smith, while a huge leafy wall with ferns, grasses, ivy and herbaceous plants adorned Andrew Duff’s garden.
10. Lots of water
Water features and other elements with water are available in a variety of designs. So if you want to add water to the garden, has a huge selection available. However, the garden trend 2021, which was inspired by the show, also emphasizes naturalness with water elements. Waterfalls are particularly impressive, especially if they are built very high. One such example is the garden of Jonathan Snow. Again, Joe Perkins was inspired by coasts and especially by the waves.
If you are looking for more relaxing water games, you can be inspired by the designs of Helen Elks-Smith. She resorts to quiet streams and other water features. Quiet pools such as fountains or ponds in turn show the gardens of Tom Hoblyn and Andrew Duff. They are the perfect oases where you can sit back and relax.
Once again, the Chelsea Flower Show 2021 showed true works of art in the field of garden design and managed not only to astonish but also to inspire many visitors. The mentioned trends are only a small selection of possibilities for the design of the private garden. Also sculptures, many stones Art objects and architectural elements are part of the intriguing ideas of the garden designers, who make each garden a unique space for relaxation. With fountains, wilder garden designs, many trees and shrubs, an easy-care garden is created that is suitable even for beginners. In addition, the green and lush landscape provides the environment in the hot summer with a pleasant coolness and plenty of shade. No matter which garden trend 2021 you implement, you will finally be guaranteed to feel really comfortable in your garden.