New Interior Bar Design Trends For 2026
Toplam Kelime Sayısı: 1939
Toplam Resim Sayısı: 8
It becomes important not so much the bar design trends in 2020 as the designer himself. It is a trend to attract top contractors: popular consultants, restaurateurs, chefs, bartenders, designers-architects, illustrators and other creative participants to create a new restaurant project. Naturally, startup costs in this case increase, but here you need to understand that this is not just branding or PR, but a significant part of marketing.
Often, at the very beginning of the project, aspiring entrepreneurs try to save on almost everything, which is quite reasonable: the budget needs to be allocated efficiently. And if you planned a budget of a certain size to successfully launch a project, you will definitely spend it. But the question is how?
Bar Design Trends For 2020
Restaurant design for opening
You can initially invest in working with a consulting company that will assemble an ideal opening team for you, and even before launching your project will become popular. Guests and bloggers will line up to be the first to visit you. And you can ignore this moment, do everything with a designer student and a few other like-minded people, and then spend the same amount in the first month for marketing: attracting bloggers, writing reviews, discounts, flyers and other ways to tell the world about yourself.
But you can ignore both of these actions. If you are sure that you are building a “rocket” that will take off by itself. Then spend the same budget for six months to finance and close the project.
How to understand who these trending people are? Get into the market and look at the leaders. When you see a successful project and want it to be like theirs, this does not mean that you need to copy the menu or lure the administrator. A comprehensive approach to project development. Any successful project is the work of the whole team, not just one person. When choosing this team, it is very important to find your own people. There is always a choice, and first of all you need to look for people with the same values as yours.
Not a single eminent designer will draw a project only with his work; the product will always remain at the head, but the right atmosphere presents it in the most favorable light.
Where guests are tasty, it will always be beautiful. Even the most unprepossessing at first glance design will become cozy and cute for them. The product must always be at the head, and behind it is design, service and atmosphere. But do not be overly self-confident. Even if you cook the most delicious cakes in the world, this does not mean that they do not need to be served beautifully. So what is more important – a design or a product? In creating any project, balance is important, everything should be equally divided, and all parties should reinforce each other.
The main types of successful restaurant design
- “Do not bother”
So I call a design that dissolves in a project. When it seems that everything was always like this in this room and no one really worried. It seems that everything is very simple, inexpensive, fast and easy. The interiors of restaurants where furniture, staff and, most importantly, the kitchen, drinks and their presentation fit in organically.
- “Museum”
This type of design includes establishments that are very fascinating. When you want to consider every detail of the interior, where everything is as if in a movie: sets, costumes, actors (staff) play; understand who invented and did it. You come to such establishments again and again and each time you discover something new for yourself – both in design and in the menu.
Similar types of design are eternal trends. This is what everyone strives for that is constantly relevant and that does not need to be redone. Are there any exceptions to the rules? Maybe yes. But even the most successful restaurateurs still attract designers with a name in their projects, despite the fact that they have tremendous experience and decades of practice. It would seem that they have long been able to do everything on their own, why overpay; but no, they work with the best of the best, pay twice as much and spend exactly as much time as is required for an effective launch.
The trend is not just to make repairs and to use modern techniques to create the design of the coffee shop or restaurant, in a trend design that totally n Pass the concept of your project . Register portraits of your future guests. Examine their pattern of behavior. Live the path of each guest in your project. To register and study the portraits of the team and also live one day of each of them.
This is a comprehensive approach, starting from choosing the right consultant who will put all your Wishlist into an understandable product, help you plunge into this market, and ending with the choice of a designer. Everyone should do their own thing: doctors – to heal, hairdressers – to cut, and designers should do the design.
What everyone is trying to create is an emotional connection between the project and the guest. When every detail is thought out so much that it remains in memory. Become a part of your guest’s life, grow and develop with him. Not only meet his expectations, but also exceed them.
Guest care
The trend is taking care of your guest with the help of details. Worry about his children, friends and pets. He should feel this in every decision you make:
- in the location of outlets;
- quality and access to Wi-Fi;
- the presence of a wardrobe and hangers;
- whether there is a children’s room or a smoking area;
- how comfortable are sofas and armchairs;
- Is the light pleasant, etc.
Trust is trending. Trust in the people whom you have involved in the implementation of your project, trust in the people who work for you, and trust in people who spend your money with you.
Design is primarily a brand component. When you have not opened yet, and they already know about you, because all the people who worked on the project have already made you in demand.
Not places, but spaces
Now it’s not enough just to open an institution if you want to be visited. In a big city with fierce competition and an abundance of new restaurants, coffee houses and bars, it is increasingly difficult to stand out and attract guests. Gradually restaurateurs come to create an ecosystem around their business, such as:
- educational platforms;
- training courses;
- halls for presentations, tastings, capping;
- coworking;
- music venue;
- hybrid establishments where the second business is not related to catering.
The synergy of such solutions provides more stable traffic, brand popularity, and you become more attractive to investors. Think about how you can complement your business, and don’t be afraid to experiment.
Emphasize the architectural style of the building
When renting a room in the building of an old cloth factory, it will be a little strange to convert it into fast food in high-tech style. Yes, perhaps this format for location is better than a coffee shop or casual cafe , but you can build the same fast food without destroying the atmosphere of the building, and emphasize this in the design of the facade and indoors.
Now, top restaurateurs are trying to restore architectural monuments and, due to this, attract new visitors, creating new successful concepts.
More design personality
If three years ago it was still possible to surprise someone with Scandinavian upholstered furniture and “Edison lamps” hanging from the ceiling, now all these solutions from IKEA are no longer new to anyone. It’s not enough to use the “running gear”, it’s still important to arrange everything correctly and, most importantly, highlight it. Do not be afraid of things from flea markets and products (solutions) from modern local designers.
Do not repeat successful concepts one to one, adapt interesting solutions from one format to another. Perhaps something from the bar theme perfectly integrates into your coffee shop or bakery. Give it a try. And yes, velvet furniture still works in 2020.
Everything is extremely simple here:
- tough – increases turnover;
- soft – only for large establishments.
Yes, of course, they can and should be combined depending on the format of the institution. If you plan to design a small cafe or coffee shop, then do not put sofas there. First of all, attract guests with a product and service, with a small average bill, it will simply be unprofitable for you to relax with your guests.
Shop windows
Like windows on the floor, window racks work fine and will perform just as well in 2020. For small establishments, this is almost the only option how to organically attract guests from the street.
Showcases inside the establishment, especially illuminated ones, also increase sales well and, when properly located, do not interfere with guests who have already made an order, but only attract visitors who enter.
Non-standard wall shapes, slopes of the floor and an unusual slope of the ceilings, emphasizing the disproportionality of volumes, broken lines and asymmetric arrangement of furniture, decor elements and accessories – modern ideas are based on the concept of the impact of the interior and the visitor, when the guest seems to be a harmonious addition to the general atmosphere, his last a puzzle.
70% of design success is in the right light. Cozy and local lighting for tables for two and four, diffused light on tables for companies and soft lighting of corridors. These are just the basic little things that you need to consider when adapting the design, but they will help create the interior of a cozy cafe. Not even one of the most sophisticated decor, together with luxurious furniture, will make a couple in love sit on a light-flooded platform, etc.
As for trends, everything is as usual: chandelier-balls hanging at different heights, and wall lights of all kinds of options.
As a phenomenon, lettering originated precisely in public catering establishments, and to this day this idea for a cafe is very popular, changing every year and acquiring new chips and additions. It all started with a menu written in chalk on a blackboard next to the bar, and now this is the design of the name of the institution on the wall.
Parade equipment
The larger and more beautiful the coffee machine, the tastier the coffee? Here the answer is very controversial. But as for attracting guests and increasing the status of the institution, this works for one hundred percent. Of course, all the equipment should fit into the interior of the coffee shop and the overall concept. It also works with bar equipment and an open kitchen in restaurants. Everywhere you need to know the measure, but overall it is gaining popularity, and restaurateurs are trying to show their new products not only to the kitchen and bar, but also to the guests.
Today, a cafe is not only an interesting cuisine and a cozy atmosphere. Visitors should like to be at your place. Unusual design always sets you apart from competitors. People come to the institution not only to enjoy the beautifully served food, but also to relax, relax, celebrate an event. The interior design of the cafe is one of the most important elements that creates a unique atmosphere.
The interior of the cafe should be designed for the aesthetic pleasure of the visitor and his comfortable pastime, because it is precisely from these conditions that the owner’s earnings and the profitability of the institution itself directly depend.