The Most Beautiful Interior Design Trends 2026

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Interior Design Trends 2026Trends in interior design are changing, although not quite rapidly, but still noticeably. Each season, some interior styles become more relevant, while others fade into the background. The new year is always a fresh start, not only to burn off all the holiday calories, but also to update your home.


The most popular styles in interior design in 2024

Designers know that interior design trends reflect the events that are happening around us. The pace and lifestyle of people affects how they would like to see their home. Interior design trends are rarely replaced in their entirety. Most often, they either go one into another or are slightly adjusted to take into account general trends in lifestyle.

MaximalismInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Maximalism
Peculiarities The abundance of decorative elements, a mixture of several bright colors.
Color spectrum Variegated colors (yellow, blue, purple, pink, red, green, etc.)
What rooms are used most often Living room, corridor.


Yes, yes, this is not a mistake. Along with the unrelenting minimalism, its complete opposite enters the arena. The style of maximalism appeared relatively recently as a response to people tired of too empty and neutral spaces. It harmoniously combines bright bold shades, different textures and materials.

MinimalismInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Minimalism
Peculiarities The absence of useless items, the functional use of the area of ​​​​the room.
Color spectrum Light colors diluted with contrasting ones (black, brown).
What rooms are used most often Living room, corridor, nursery, kitchen, study, bathroom.


Minimalism as an interior style has been at its peak for a long time. This is explained quite simply – after the bright 80s and 90s, people got tired of complex interiors and preferred simply light decoration of the space. In addition, in the new millennium, the way of life of a person has changed significantly. The house had to be as practical as possible.


Interior Design Trends 2026
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Style name Scandinavian
Peculiarities The minimum amount of furniture, light finish.
Color spectrum White, black, gray, blue, green shades.
What rooms are used most often Living room, bedroom, kitchen, nursery.


The outgoing decade was marked by the emergence of the phenomenon of the study of happiness. First there was the Danish “Hygge”, after – the Swedish “Lagom”. The books provided evidence that, despite living in harsh and cold regions, the inhabitants of Scandinavia are able to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in their home, drawing energy and happiness from there.

Eco styleInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Eco style
Peculiarities Natural materials in decoration, furniture and decor elements. Light open space.
Color spectrum Light colors (white, beige, sand), green, blue, gray.
What rooms are used most often All rooms of the house.


Ecological problems today come out on top. More and more people are discussing global warming and are looking for ways to consume consciously. Many countries have approved the rejection of disposable bags and utensils at the state level. And plastic products are now being actively replaced by more environmentally friendly counterparts.

Japanese style

Style name Japanese
Peculiarities Minimalism and the use of natural materials.
Color spectrum Light colors, warm colors (beige, brown).
What rooms are used most often Living room, bedroom, nursery, office.


Japan is a country that is famous for its philosophy of life. This is also evident in the design of a house or apartment. The Japanese are kind to their home and put their soul into the design of the space.

2024 trends in interior styles

Of course, the styles of the interior of a house or apartment listed above are far from the only ones. In 2024, designers are considering several more areas for decorating living space. Some of them have become popular relatively recently, and will continue to gain momentum in the new decade. And some are completely timeless classics that are unlikely to ever go out of fashion.

American styleInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name American
Peculiarities Dividing space into zones using niches or arches. An abundance of small decorative elements (photo frames, figurines, vases, etc.)
Color spectrum Light warm shades, blue.
What rooms are used most often Bedroom, living room, nursery, office, kitchen.


Here we are talking, of course, not about modern America, but about colonial times, when the design of American apartments had a special charm. With the advent of democracy in such interiors, even more freedom and departure from patterns appeared. As a result, the American style was able to combine the following features:

Arabic styleInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Arab
Peculiarities Oriental ornaments on the walls or textiles, huge beautiful carpets.
Color spectrum Warm colors: golden brown, sand. Among the dark shades: rich green, blue, etc.
What rooms are used most often Living room, office, bathroom.


Arabian tales have fascinated us since childhood. And today their motives have penetrated into interior design. Sophistication and a special culture allow you to get an elegant design with patterns and ornaments characteristic of Muslim countries. Among the special differences of the Arabic style are:

  1. Massive carpets with a characteristic oriental ornament.
  2. Natural materials in decoration.
  3. As a decor – a mosaic, high columns.
  4. Beautiful textiles on the windows can be lambrequins or thick heavy curtains.

Art decoInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name art deco
Peculiarities Luxury and elegance: wood carvings, flowing lines, abstract patterns, rare finishing materials.
Color spectrum Brown, beige, gray, blue, burgundy.
What rooms are used most often Kitchen, living room, bedroom, office.


Luxurious noble style in the interior, which is characterized by pretentiousness and elegance. The direction of art deco in art appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century and is a mixture of neoclassicism and modernity.

African styleInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name African
Peculiarities African motifs in the form of appropriate patterns, textures, etc.
Color spectrum Warm colors – sand, yellow, terracotta, brown.
What rooms are used most often Living room, children’s room, study


In 2024, designers are also advised to experiment and move away from the usual styles towards extraordinary solutions. African motifs in the interior of a house or apartment are bold and unusual. Among the main characteristics of the African style are:

  1. Bright warm shades – orange, red, yellow.
  2. Prints under the skins of animals (zebra, giraffe, cheetahs).
  3. African masks or figurines can be used as decorative elements.

BaroqueInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Baroque (from Italian “pearl of irregular shape”)
Peculiarities Splendor, luxury interior. The use of velvet, bronze, gold, etc.
Color spectrum Light warm colors. As a contrast: noble dark shades (for example, burgundy or blue).
What rooms are used most often Bedroom, living room.


Another triumph of luxury and wealth. This style in design appeared several centuries ago, but even today it does not lose its relevance. Moreover, baroque is not only about the interior, but also about architecture, painting, literature. And in each of these areas, the theatricality and excess of this direction attracts the attention of people and does not leave them indifferent.

GothicInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Gothick style
Peculiarities Mystical atmosphere, abundance of antique decor (canopy, columns, candelabra, etc.)
Color spectrum Dark shades (gray, black, blue), diluted with white or milky.
What rooms are used most often Bedroom, living room, dining room, corridor.


The medieval style has successfully migrated to the modern design of the house. Today, Gothic is not so common, but this does not mean that the style is not popular. It’s just a bold direction that is not for everyone. If you decide to decorate an apartment with this type of interior, be sure to consider the following details:

GrungeInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Grunge
Peculiarities Large space, brutality in decoration.
Color spectrum Cold or warm dark tones, wooden colors.
What rooms are used most often Office, living room.


In some ways, it looks like a loft and is distinguished by the same brutality, an atmosphere of solitude and predominantly dark shades in the decoration. This is a fairly popular interior style, primarily for country houses and large spacious rooms with huge panoramic windows. There is no unnecessary pathos and luxury here, the grunge style is characterized by:

Italian styleInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Italian
Peculiarities A large number of decorative elements, sensuality.
Color spectrum Warm light pastel colors.
What rooms are used most often Bedroom, living room, office.


This style is very close to the Mediterranean. This is due to the proximity of Italy to the sea and the special love of local residents for an easy and fun life. Such interiors are usually distinguished by pastel light shades in decoration and at the same time, an abundance of original Italian accessories that complement the design of the room.

ClassicalInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Classical
Peculiarities Wealth and luxury in decoration, natural materials.
Color spectrum Warm light colors (beige, milky, gold, peach).
What rooms are used most often Bedroom, living room, kitchen, office.


Like the little black dress for women, classic style in interior design will always be in fashion. This will not be changed by modern trends towards minimalism or technological progress. True connoisseurs of luxury and elegance choose this area to furnish their home. So, choosing a classic, you can be sure that your interior will always be in trend.

Colonial styleInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Colonial
Peculiarities Genuine leather, ethnic patterns, an abundance of decor brought from different countries.
Color spectrum Warm light colors: golden, sandy, beige.
What rooms are used most often Living room, office, bedroom.


What interior is in fashion now? More and more designers are moving away from minimalism towards more exotic interiors. And in this case, it’s in the top ten. The colonial style combines luxury and exoticism, implies comfort, and at the same time, an abundance of decorative elements.

ConstructivismInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Constructivism
Peculiarities Minimum decorative elements. A practical bright space where every thing has its place.
Color spectrum Gray, white, milky, blue tones.
What rooms are used most often Kitchen, dining room, hallway, office.


Like minimalism, it promotes the absence of useless decor elements in the house. Following constructivism, space should be decorated not only with beautiful, but most importantly, with practical objects. Features of constructivism:

LoftInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Loft
Peculiarities Rough finish as an element of decor: brickwork, pipes, wires, etc.
Color spectrum Warm dark shades, black, red.
What rooms are used most often Studio apartment ( kitchen + living room ), living room, bedroom, kitchen, office.


A few decades ago, many American industrial premises were turned into residential buildings. This is due to urbanization, as a result of which people left the villages and moved to live and work in the city.


Mexican styleInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Mexican
Peculiarities Characteristic patterns and homely warm atmosphere, which can be created by an abundance of decorative elements.
Color spectrum Warm shades that are combined with bright tones (red purple, orange).
What rooms are used most often Kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom.


Mexican motifs are especially popular today. This can be explained by the unique traditions and history of the country, its love for family comfort and warmth. Among the special characteristics of the Mexican type of interior, designers distinguish:

ModernInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Modern (from English “modern”)
Peculiarities Combination of different shapes, colors and textures.
Color spectrum Beige, gold, brown shades.
What rooms are used most often Living room, bedroom, office, hallway, bathroom.


Once it was this style in interior design that replaced the classic one. At that time, he was considered quite bold and creative. Today, modern is closer to the classics than to the present. True, this style has its own characteristics:

NeoclassicalInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Neoclassical
Peculiarities The use of natural materials, a combination of laconic lines and beautiful abstract patterns.
Color spectrum Warm light colors: beige, milky, gold.
What rooms are used most often Corridor, living room, bedroom, office.


One of the subspecies of the modern interior style, which was able to successfully combine the sophistication and elegance of classical motifs and the conciseness of modern style. This design of space is more suitable for rooms whose area allows you to realize any design ideas. It does not need a large amount of furniture and extra decorative elements. However, you still have to dilute simplicity and conciseness.

ProvenceInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Provence (from the name of the historical region of France)
Peculiarities Floral elements, abundance of decor.
Color spectrum Pastel colors (mint, blue beige, pink, pale lemon, etc.).
What rooms are used most often Bedroom, living room, corridor.


Sweet French chic remains on trend in 2024. This design is not a Parisian apartment, but rather a cozy house in a small village in the south of the country. This type of interior is somewhat reminiscent of country music (which is less popular today), but it also has several distinctive features:

MediterraneanInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Mediterranean
Peculiarities Light shades in the interior, blotches of blue, large bright spaces.
Color spectrum Gold, beige, milky, blue, yellow.
What rooms are used most often Living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, hallway.


The Mediterranean countries have their own vision of the interior. And this is not surprising – the frequent sun and salty splashes of the waves inspire the creation of a cozy home space. The main feature of the style is its ability to give a feeling of lightness and relaxation. Other features of this area of apartment design include:

FusionInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Fusion
Peculiarities A combination of incongruous elements, a riot of colors, original decor elements.
Color spectrum Bright colorful colors: blue, red, fuchsia, light green, etc.
What rooms are used most often Living room, kitchen.


There are basic interior styles that can be found in the portfolio of any designer, and there are areas that are extremely rare and therefore deserve your attention. Fusion is a rather controversial and unusual style, which involves a combination of seemingly incongruous motifs and objects.

High techInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Hi-tech (from English “high technologies”)
Peculiarities The abundance of technology, mirror and glossy surfaces.
Color spectrum Cold light shades with contrasting black or red.
What rooms are used most often Kitchen, corridor, office.


But this is the most modern and technological style of apartment interior. Hi-tech is minimalism brought to perfection. It appeared due to the development of technology. Due to the constant technological progress, this direction in interior design is regularly improved. Today, the main features of high-tech style are:

JokesInterior Design Trends 2026

Style name Jokes
Peculiarities Exceptionally natural materials, an abundance of textiles, rough furniture finishing.
Color spectrum Warm shades (light and dark) – beige, brown, terracotta, sand, etc.
What rooms are used most often Living room, kitchen, dining room.


A special style that is rarely used in its pure form. However, you can often find its elements in other styles as well. The chalet is a hymn to home comfort and family values. Such a house is like a saga of one kind, it can tell the story of a family through common photographs and paintings.

LoftInterior Design Trends 2026

It is more suitable not for cramped 1-room or 2-room apartments (although it can be implemented there with high ceilings and large windows), but for small studios. Initially, a loft is an arrangement of open spaces, so a studio apartment is an ideal “canvas” for a designer.

MinimalismInterior Design Trends 2026

Well, of course, minimalism should be on this list. Light walls, a minimum of decor, functionality – all this makes this area especially relevant for small apartments. Particular attention can be paid not to pure style, but to its offshoots – Japanese minimalism (Japandi), Mediterranean minimalism, etc.

FunctionalismInterior Design Trends 2026

An interior style that few have heard of. This is due to the relatively new allocation of functionalism in a separate style. Previously, it was attached to minimalism, where every thing had to be not only stylish, but also practical.

High techInterior Design Trends 2026

Its main advantage is the maximum practicality of every detail. Hi-tech is a technological style that provides complete comfort for everyone in the apartment. You can be sure that the designer will plan the placement of all household appliances that can make your life easier.

Eco styleInterior Design Trends 2026

It can be used in small rooms due to the use of light colors in the design of the space. In addition, eco-style does not tolerate an abundance of decorative elements, except that they will be indoor plants.

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Roundness always. Since the start of the pandemic, home has been our landmark and the place where we feel protected. And the furniture, this year again, is reassuring. He therefore abandons raw and static forms, and is inspired by the Art Deco of the last century, to transform our interiors into an enveloping cocoon. By abandoning their angles, tables, storage units or other seats with curved shapes invite you to relax and share. And thus, almost make us forget the latent anxiety and uncertainty.

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