wallpaper trends for the bedroom 2026

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Fashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026Abstraction, minimalism, oriental themes – we analyze the most relevant wallpaper scenes for the bedroom and tell you how to apply them in the interior.

Unlike a kitchen or a hallway, a living room gives you more options for choosing finishing materials. In the recreation area, you can focus on design: the atmosphere should be conducive to relaxation, pacify and give a feeling of comfort. In this article, we will look at the bedroom wallpapers that are fashionable in 2024 and tell you how to use them in the interior to make it look trendy.

Wallpaper trends 2024 for the bedroom

In 2024, wallpaper in the bedroom is especially actively used in bedroom design. This is a practical, beautiful and, most importantly, versatile type of finish, which can be either a neutral background or set the tone for the entire interior. Now the trend is a variety of stories.

AbstractionFashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026

Abstract prints include any patterns that do not have a clear geometric shape or recognizable silhouette. It can be both complex symmetrical figures and more concise ornaments. The main advantage of this finish is versatility. It can fit into any style, in a rectangular or elongated, large or small room.

If you want to wallpaper one accent wall or, for example, a niche, you can use an active contrasting pattern. For the design of all surfaces, choose a more relaxed design of coatings: in light colors, without large bright details, with the simplest possible pattern.

Manufacturers offer hundreds of different abstract prints, so choosing the right one will definitely work. Particularly relevant now:

  • Modern variations of classical ornaments (monograms, millefleur, heraldry).
  • Prints based on dots, straight or curved lines.
  • Any graphics.
  • Imitation of strokes and spots of paint, as in the paintings of abstract artists.

GeometryFashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026

Any geometric patterns always remain on the list of trendy ornaments.

These include stripes, polka dots, rhombuses, rectangles, hexagons and any other shapes. It is important to remember that it is geometric prints that actively influence the visual perception of the room. Use this to correct proportions or, conversely, prevent visual distortion.

Basic principles:

  • Vertical lines pull the space up. This is useful in a room with a low ceiling or a disproportionately long wall.
  • Horizontal lines make the ceiling lower, and the surface on which they are applied – longer. With their help, you can visually expand a narrow wall.
  • Due to the large ornament, the room will seem cramped than it is. Too small will also draw attention to the real size. If you’re choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom, use a medium-sized, neutral pattern.

As for the drawings themselves, there are two trends now. First of all, this simplicity. The more concise the pattern, the better. This is true for both modern and classic interiors. Also popular stylization of familiar ornaments. For example, a stripe can be a little blurry or blurry, rhombuses can have a 3D effect, etc.

Flora and faunaFashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026

Natural motifs are a win-win option for decoration, especially now that environmental friendliness and naturalness are in trend.

Actual flora and fauna in all manifestations:

  • Tropical motifs – palm leaves, ferns, bright flowers, exotic animals and birds.
  • Fruits and berries.
  • Small flower in English or country style.
  • Cozy soft scandi ornaments.
  • No flowers at all. Instead of them – stems, leaves, spruce branches, cones, creepers.

Choose the style, intensity and size of the pattern based on the overall design of the room, as well as taking into account its footage and the presence of other finishes. So, for example, if you like bright tropics or catchy photo wallpapers, it is better to highlight the space behind the headboard with them, and use paint, plaster, panels or plain canvases for the rest of the walls. If you want to cover the entire room with wallpaper with a pattern, choose neutral-colored coatings with a discreet pattern that will not ripple in your eyes.

Be sure to support this finish with other interior elements. It can be themed decor, chair upholstery, bedding, carpet, curtains on the windows.

EastFashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026

Ethnic elements make the interior original and memorable. Oriental themes are especially popular now. The easiest way to add it to the bedroom decor is with the help of themed wallpapers.

As a rule, this design is used in classic, neoclassic, eclectic or vintage style. But interestingly, oriental elements will look in minimalism and contemporary. The main thing is to properly balance them with other modern details.

Among the stories, pay attention to:

  • Chinoiserie – stylized ornaments, the common name of which is translated from French as “Chinese”. This was a disparaging term for variations of Chinese traditional subjects that became very popular in European interiors in the 18th century. Now this is a whole trend in art, which has found its place in wallpaper design.
  • A non-repeating plot print – such canvases are similar to panoramic paintings in a museum. They are most often used on one wall as the main accent.
  • Local flora and fauna (for example, cherry blossoms or water lilies), national ornaments.
  • Images of vases, dishes, ornaments, fabrics, fans.

Wall muralFashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026

Photo prints on the walls are considered by many to be the last century, but this is only true for outdated plots and low-quality images.

Today, photo wallpapers are experiencing a rebirth. They add volume to the space, set accents and play the role of the focal point of the interior. Most often they are used to decorate the wall behind the head of the bed. Less often – on the side (for example, if you need to adjust the proportions of the room).

The most important thing is to choose the right plot and style so that the interior does not look outdated.Now relevant:

  • Imitation of watercolor drawings and abstract painting.
  • Images of a foggy forest, sky, any natural theme, especially in the Scandinavian spirit.
  • Graphics or vintage black and white shots of cities instead of straight-line photography.
  • Painted flowers or green plants, but not flashy.
  • Tropical or oriental theme.

MinimalismFashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026

Modern wallpaper for the bedroom can be very simple -plain, smooth or with a barely noticeable texture, which is visible upon closer inspection.

Like eco-themed, minimalism  is one of the main sustainable trends, so you can safely choose a laconic finish for the bedroom. Focus on the quality of the canvas and other materials that are in the room. It is desirable that they be natural or – at least – environmentally friendly. Stick to a neutral natural palette, and compensate for the emptiness of monochrome surfaces with decor, cozy textiles and indoor plants.

If an ordinary monochrome wall seems too boring to you, you can pick up paintings with imitation of natural textures. Now there are models that look like wood, marble, concrete, brick, rusty metal. Such a finish will come out much cheaper than if you, for example, clad even one wall with natural stone, and at the same time it looks very trendy.

Design options

When deciding which wallpaper to choose for your bedroom, consider not only its design, but also how you will use such a finish in the interior. There are three options.

General backgroundFashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026

The traditional way is to paste over all the walls with the same canvases. Now they resort to it less and less, since patterned surfaces often look clumsy and irrelevant. But if you like experiments, an abundance of ornaments and eclecticism, this way of finishing is the place to be. By the way, this option is also suitable for neutral minimalist interiors, where canvases of the same shade or with an almost imperceptible low-contrast pattern are used.

EmphasisFashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026

But the combination of an accent surface and a calm background is used much more often.

This design solves several problems at once:

  • Zones the room (you can make a bright cover behind the head of the bed, in the wardrobe area, in a niche, behind the workplace).
  • Forms the central element of the composition, which immediately attracts the eye.
  • Allows you to find a compromise between colorful and concise finishes.
  • Helps save money. Wallpaper for one wall + paint or plaster, as a rule, costs less than paintings for all surfaces in the room.

Combined wallpaper in the bedroomFashionable wallpaper for the bedroom: 6 trends in 2026

Another option for the original design is to combine several types of canvases.

It can be 2-3 plain coatings of different colors, a pattern and a background, or two patterns. The last combination is the most difficult, therefore, when self-repairing, it is not used so often.

The easiest way is to select companions from one collection – manufacturers often produce ready-made sets that go well with each other. If you combine wallpaper in the bedroom yourself, remember that different types of paintings should overlap in some way. It can be a color, a general style, a family of patterns.

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